The Stimulus Factor, by Dr. David Freemantle, $21.60, Paperback - 256 pages 1 edition (December 30, 2000), Financial Times Management; ISBN: 0273649949. This is one of the few books Ìve found that nicely goes into the fundamentals of human motivation and what stimulates people. Whether motivating employees, or seducing customers ̉there are a few nuggets in this book that can help the strategic focus. Written by a seasoned executive and board member of British Caledonian Airways ̉ led me to believe that this guy knows what hès talking about.
Beyond Mind Games: The Marketing of Power of Psychographics, by Rebecca Piirto, $19.95, Paperback Reprint edition (April 1992), Amer Demographics Books; ISBN: 0936889101. This is another hard to find book on market segmentation based on Psychographics (editor claims it was the first on this topic). In the end, demographics falls short as a means of segmentation. Clustering customers into groups based on attitudes, motivation and behavior can be much more successful. Gives a number of great examples of segmentation strategies, such as: Young Strivers, Hopeful Loyalists, Established Adapters, Recent Seekers, etc.