is learning the process at their own pace while in stealth mode.
must ramp up team members in dispersed locations before going before a panel.
needs to move fast with a specific solution and doesn't have time to schedule an expert panel.
is cash constrained.
has a team of inexperienced executives.
Private Program Benefits
Less Expansion of Personal Network
Fewer Expert Introductions
Less Leverage
Less Objective Assessment & Valuation
More Confidentiality
Panel programs are best when the company:
is team building while in stealth mode.
needs to expand their personal network and evaluate multiple parties at once.
needs to rapidly accelerate solutions by processing inputs from multiple viewpoints for depth in strategy.
wants to make the best use of a small budget.
has a team of experienced executives.
Panel Program Benefits:
More Expansion of Personal Network
More Expert Introductions
More Leverage
More Objective Assessment & Valuation
Less Confidentiality
Confidentiality Note. Panel members are carefully selected and most will sign NDAs, however the risk of dispersion of confidential information is increased slightly. From our experience, confidentiality is not an issue. Disclosure tends to build trust among panel members, inviting them to open up their Rolodex's.