Everyone benefits from a quick assessment of the situation so that the "distance to financing" is clearly understood and agreed to by all parties up front. The entrepreneur soon gains appreciation for learning exactly how quickly a seasoned professional can decode their deal in minutes, for what may haven them taken man-years and thousands of dollars to assemble. This exercise not only provides the CEO the opportunity to practice presenting their business case to an "investor," but unlike the real world - gives them the value of insight and detailed feedback as to what issues may be preventing them from success. Investors who request assessment reports, get the benefit of using the results of this effort to greatly accelerate their initial screening process, helping the company to raise capital faster.
Finally, this high value venture assessment enables all parties to get to work together to decide if there is chemistry and the right fit before embarking on a journey together. It enables the CEO to benchmark and gauge exactly what consulting value was added once the deliverables have been performed, enabling better cash management.