Our consulting material has been refined into segments that has been taught at the University level,
typically for MBAs. We have taught at Seattle University, University of Washington, Stanford University and Swinburne
University (Melbourne, Australia). Click here for a syllabus to a MBA course taught at Seattle University.
Venture Intern Program
We are always interested in identifying highly motivated, entrepreneurial minded individuals to act as venture
interns. Interns will begin the 90 day program by performing analysis of high technology venture deals. Upon successful
demonstration of analytical and financial modeling skills, Interns will earn the opportunity to be exposed to more sophisticated
"real world" client projects for the duration of the course program. Interns will undergo "venture capitalist"
training and learn the secrets of packaging high technology venture deals seeking between $3 to $10 million. Working with
seasoned executives, Interns will use advanced research databases and financial models to perform analysis and actively
participate in summarizing results for VenLogic clients. This advanced program will expose the Intern to knowledge and
resources that are essential for building successful high tech enterprises and creating tremendous personal wealth -
a priceless education for a driven entrepreneur!
In 2000, this program successfully trained 9 Interns who received client equity for their participation. VenLogic presented a
matching equity grant to the VP of Finance of Seattle University in recognition of the University's support for this program.
In spring of 2000, the graduating class took an insider's trip to Silicon Vallley's Sand Hill Road, where they met with VCs,
incubator managers, and leading venture packaging consultants. Photo below, shows the intern team with former ViVentures and
Bechtel Tech Ventures Managing Partner, Santhanam "Slim" Shekar.
Speaking Services
E-mail resume and cover letter request for an application to: ventern@venlogic.com
Speaking Services Our latest speeches are: "Equity Marketing Channel Design", "The Art of Venture Packaging", "Equity Marketing 101"
and "Venture Deal Analysis" (a real-time overview of how to screen a venture deal). All speeches are targeted at the MBA level,
meaning that they are not necessarily targeted to those who have advanced experience in building companies or raising venture
capital. Rather, those individuals with advanced experience would very likely be selected to contribute their experiences for
a richer group experience. Click for more information on Speaking Services.